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Sunday, 27 September 2020

The Starry Night

Artists: Vincent van Gogh & Sandra Djurbuzovic
The Starry Night- drawing, pen and ink on paper /photo/ by V. van Gogh, Saint-Rémy, June, 1889, Museum of Architecture, Moscow
Portrait by me, drawing, pencil on cardboard, September, 2020.
=Astounded in the starry night

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Van Gogh & Me (The girl's hair on a starry night)


Artists: Vincent van Gogh & Sandra Djurbuzovic
The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, oil on canvas /photo/, 1889 + Portrait by me, pencil drawing on cardboard, 2020= The girl's hair on a starry night

Zvjezdana noc Vinsenta van Goga, ulje na platnu /foto/, 1889. + Moj portret, crtez grafitnom olovkom na natron papiru 2020.=
Djevojacka kosa u zvjezdanoj noci, septembar 2020. 40 x 32 cm

Au Revoir beauté Juliette Greco!

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Van Gogh & Me

Artists: Vincent van Gogh & Sandra Djurbuzovic

Vase with Twelve Sunflowers by Vincent van Gog 1889, oil on canvas /photo/ + Portrait by me, pencil drawing on cardboard 2020= Portrait of a girl in a yellow sweater with a collar, 25 x 29 cm